650字相关作文:《传话游戏》650字英语作文范文内容如下:   Today, I played a game of legend in school. The first student in each group went to the front desk to read the words on the paper. One group had 20 students, the first one in our group, whispered to the next one that we were going to raise the flag together, but the ninth one heard that we were going to kill chickens together, so she gave it to us. The last one said we were going to kill chickens together, and the last one said aloud that we were going to kill chickens together. We all laughed loudly. Haha, it was so funny. He upgraded us together and said that the game of killing chickens together was so funny. I must share it with my parents when I go home. I play this little game with them. I also want to tell my parents that joke. My parents must say it's too funny. 中学生写作指导、写作素材、优秀作文以及有奖活动 尽在“作文网”微信公众号 《传话游戏》650字英语作文内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归《传话游戏》650字英语作文原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理